


Online classroom by Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk, Anubansuphanburi School, Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area District 1

Study with the teacher gets both "knowledge and affection" Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk, Anubansuphanburi School.

This website www.v-pengsuk-english.simdif.com    

was founded as a mean to provide “LEARN AT HOME” experience which includes the subject’s content, learning materials and learning activities for the students in 2021 academic year during the COVID-19 epidemic. This website includes subjects such as Computing Science for grade 3-4, Career for grade 3 and Additional Computer for grade 3/7 and 4/7. In addition, this website collectively complies online learning materials of the subjects for the reason that the students are able to study the content easily and quickly and for the reviewing purposes. In this regard, the students are granted the opportunity to learn anywhere, anytime that is appropriate to the current circumstances.

Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023

Scan the QR CODE to access the lesson content each week.

Scan the QR CODE to access the lesson content each week.

Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk, Anubansuphanburi School.

Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk, Anubansuphanburi School.

Report of teaching activities Academic Year 2021. https://online.anyflip.com/xacot/rrdc/mobile/index.html

Report of teaching activities Academic Year 2021. https://online.anyflip.com/xacot/rrdc/mobile/index.html

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