


Students’ projects from the online learning “LEARN AT HOME” in 2021 academic year.

The students’ project (videos) of grade 3 students 

Students’ project (videos) in the subject of Career for grade 3 on the topic “Housework assistance”

Students’ project (videos) in the subject of Career for grade 3 on the topic “Housework assistance”

The submission of the assignments through the online platform “padlet”.

       The learning activities in Career on the topic of “produce gardening”. The lesson provides an opportunity for the students to plant vegetable that they are interested in their garden and keep track of how the gardening is done and how the greens are taken care of. Eventually, they report their progress to the teacher every week on the online discussion board called “Padlet”. The main focus it to have the students shared their learning and improve the quality of the work continuously.    https://padlet.com/vacharaporn911/gci3q8urxdl92uox

See the students’ project :  https://sway.office.com/MAMbAYN36ebiKUD3?ref=Link

การปลูกผักสวนครัว วิชา การงานอาชีพ ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 3

การปลูกผักสวนครัว วิชา การงานอาชีพ ของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 3

Student’s innovative appliances of the subjects Career for grade 3

       Learning Unit 5, I create inventions on the subjects of Career for grade 3 according to the indicators, m.d. 1.1, p 3/1, p 3/2, p 3/3.

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