


Certificates for self-development 


         Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk was assigned to organize learning activities for the subjects of Additional Computer, Computational Science and Home Economics.  In addition, the learning activities are gravitated to current circumstances which regard much on the changes toward digital and technology. For this reason, the teaching has the focal points at the development of 1. Digital-Age literacy 2. Inventive thinking 3. Effective communication skills 4. Life skill competency and 5. Technological competency. In addition to the five focuses, the teaching aims at the development of the necessary skills and knowledge for the 21st century of the students. Therefore, the teacher continuously self-develops by attentively participating in teacher trainings and workshops on various occasions from different sectors such as educational and private agencies. These bring extensive knowledge and experience for the development of teaching and learning as to make it more effective as well as being able to share the knowledge with fellow teachers both inside the school and in different educational institutions. Besides, the teacher can expand the knowledge and apply it when conducting learning activities to be more effective and efficient as it eventually becomes a "professional learning community" in the educational institution. Also, the teacher publishes research articles to expand the knowledge of teaching expertise in journals as they yield positive outcomes and portraying as a good role model for fellow teachers and educational professionals as well as affiliated agencies.

Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk

Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk

Self-development report and Honor Award in 2021 Academic year 

           Self-Improvement Report and Honor Award Academic in 2021 academic year by Teacher Vacharaporn Pengsuk, Anubansuphanburi School. This is empirical works as the result of self-development and professional participation as well as experience sharing activities on various occasions between May and December 2021.


MIE EXPERT 2020-2021

MIE EXPERT 2020-2021

The report of self-development on MICROSOFT INNOVATIVE EDUCATOR EXPERTS Awards 2020-2021

The report of self-development on MICROSOFT INNOVATIVE EDUCATOR EXPERTS Awards 2020-2021

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