


Distinguished work of 2020 academic year.

The award at excellent level of media, innovation, and technology developer of LEARN AT HOME on Computing Science for Grade 4, Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office Level, District 1.

The award at excellent level of media, innovation, and technology developer of LEARN AT HOME on Computing Science for Grade 4, Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office Level, District 1.

The silver medal award of

The silver medal award of "One School……One Innovation" of 2021 at the regional level organized by the Teachers’ Council of Thailand.

The award for an excellent primary school teacher at the provincial level of 2021.  https://online.anyflip.com/xacot/aouj/mobile/index.html

The award for an excellent primary school teacher at the provincial level of 2021. https://online.anyflip.com/xacot/aouj/mobile/index.html

The award at an international level for Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2021-2022.

The award at an international level for Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2021-2022.



The publishing of a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Jaural, Vol. 18, No. 3 (July-September 2021)

The publishing of a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Jaural, Vol. 18, No. 3 (July-September 2021)

The guest speaker on the workshop “teaching and learning in the Next Normal era” organized by the College of Dramatic Arts Bunditpatanasilpa, Institute Ministry of Culture.

The guest speaker on the workshop “teaching and learning in the Next Normal era” organized by the College of Dramatic Arts Bunditpatanasilpa, Institute Ministry of Culture.

Experience sharing on an international level organized by EIS Thailand on September 18, 2021.

Experience sharing on an international level organized by EIS Thailand on September 18, 2021.





The publishing of a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Jaural, Vol. 18, No. 3 (July-September 2021)  https://anyflip.com/ykkws/njdj/

The publishing of a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Jaural, Vol. 18, No. 3 (July-September 2021) https://anyflip.com/ykkws/njdj/

Publishing a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Journal.

Publishing a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Journal ISSN : 1686-5073, issue 18th, No. 3 (July-September 2021), pages 7-17, Office of the Education Council, Ministry of Education.

Publishing a research article in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Journal ISSN : 1686-5073, issue 18th, No. 3 (July-September 2021), pages 7-17, Office of the Education Council, Ministry of Education.

       The research article was published in the Thai Education Journal, OEC Journal ISSN : 1686-5073, issue 18th, No. 3 (July-September 2021), Office of the Education Council.


The award of Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year 2021 at the national level by the the Teacher’s Council of Thailand.

The award of Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year 2021 at the national level by the the Teacher’s Council of Thailand.

The participation in the online teaching management contest (video clip) on the topic

The participation in the online teaching management contest (video clip) on the topic "Best Elementary Techniques towards the development of learners’ excellence" by the Office of the Basic Education Commission.

The participation in the exhibition and the presentation of work of the moral school under OBEC, in the activity of experience sharing of the Moral School Project, OBEC at the Educational Office Level, on December 9, 2021 at Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 1.

The participation in the exhibition and the presentation of work of the moral school under OBEC, in the activity of experience sharing of the Moral School Project, OBEC at the Educational Office Level, on December 9, 2021 at Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 1.

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